Sunday Reset | Harvesting Harmony
Sunny Lane and Bex Nimrod will take us deeper to help release pandemic-related stress and usher in a healthier mind, body, and spirit.
Join us online for an exercise to harvest healthy behaviors and observations that will take you into the winter season.
It’s easy to feel like COVID-19 has exhausted our patience and has left us weary. For many of us, the changes we’ve encountered this year have helped us to discover more time for things we might never have neglected before.
What is your silver lining during this pandemic? Have you noticed that you’ve developed healthier habits? Spent more time outside? Are you talking more with your partner or reconnecting with old friends?
Have you identified some not so healthy habits that you are ready to release? Too much time isolated inside, overeating or overspending?
Whatever your experience, may this Sunday Reset serve to remind you that you’re not alone and provide you with some relief and a healthier outlook going forward.
Note: To best prepare you for this practice, please have a journal or sheet of paper, a pen, and find a seat that will be comfortable for both journaling and a short meditation.
FREE, tune into the Momentary’s Facebook or YouTube page to join.
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About the Instructors:
Sunny Lane is a registered yoga teacher and has been teaching meditation and yoga for over 10 years in Northwest Arkansas. She’s studied Vinyasa Yoga, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, and Vipassana Meditation. As a transcendental meditation practitioner, she studies the science and technology of consciousness through Maharishi International University.
Bex Nimrod is a midwest gal with a global heart. Her expansive vision and gift of intuition guide her daily actions and work. She is a solid believer in the sacredness of gathering. Gifted with the ability to create and hold space, Nimrod allows those near, to press into internal spaces, breaking free.